Vintage-style cord type-III trucker jackets by Real Hoxton (image credit: Real Hoxton)
Plenty of colours and a vintage look for these newly-launched cord type-III trucker jackets by Real Hoxton.
The launch is a good thing because Levi’s seems to avoid producing these in the numbers it once did—if at all. The cord Levi’s jacket was once one of the label’s staple designs, but not so these days (outside of the Sherpa variation).
That’s not to say cord jackets are hard to find. On the contrary, I have featured the Lois Tejana cord jacket on these pages, as well as the budget cord trucker jacket by Fuzzdandy, both of which are worth a look. I haven’t seen one from Levi’s since 2018.
So, it is fair to say that there is a gap in the market for a new maker. And along comes Real Hoxton to plug that gap.
This isn’t something it has produced overnight. According to the label, this one has been several years in the making, with tweaks and adjustments over those years to bring us to this point. It’s pretty much a jacket with a vintage fit and all the details you would expect—except the tab on the pocket.
The jacket is handmade and produced from soft, mid-weight corduroy with that vintage cut described as slimmer and a shorter fit than the maker’s canvas trucker jackets (which you may or may not know).
The jacket is currently being offered in the eight shades you see here and pretty much any size you need as a new launch.
Those sizes are small through to XXL, and £85 gets you one.
Find out more at the Real Hoxton website
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